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NEKTON-Dog-Natural-Plus substance vitale à base naturelle pour chiens

  • Nos fabricants et fournisseurs: Nekton
Délai de livraison
2-5 jours ouvrables (lundi-vendredi) différent à l'étranger
À partir de 8,30 €
(=83,00 € / 1 UNIT_SHORT_KG)
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NEKTON-Dog Natural plus - la combinaison de substances vitales est cruciale!

Nekton Dog Natural Plus agit comme un régulateur doux en cas d'irrégularités digestives. La constipation et la diarrhée peuvent être équilibrées grâce aux substances vitales qu'il contient. Les substances végétales secondaires contenues dans Nekton Dog Natural Plus améliorent également le bien-être de l'animal, tandis que la L-carnitine ajoutée assure un métabolisme énergétique optimisé. La composition de la préparation naturelle est basée sur les dernières recherches scientifiques.

NEKTON-Dog Natural plus est un supplément entièrement nouveau et judicieux qui ne contient que des substances naturelles. Les substances végétales vitales, appelées "substances végétales secondaires", ont des effets positifs en termes de vitalité générale ou de forme physique, ainsi que des effets digestifs et de soutien à l'utilisation dans l'organisme, en plus de la fonction nutritionnelle pure. L'effet positif de ces substances bioactives a été très bien étudié chez les animaux et les humains. NEKTON-Dog Natural plus est souvent utilisé pour compenser en douceur les irrégularités de la digestion telles que la diarrhée ou la constipation, comme additif naturel pour les vomissements et pour améliorer le régime quotidien ou les plats préparés.

Nekton-Dog Natural plus est un produit de qualité supérieure.


NEKTON-Dog Natural plus doit être conservé dans un endroit sec, à l'abri de la lumière du soleil, entre 15 °C et 25 °C.

Dans un endroit sec, à l'abri de la lumière du soleil, entre 15 °C et 25 °C.Ne pas conserver dans le réfrigérateur !


Désinfectez quotidiennement les récipients de boisson et les contenants de nourriture avec NEKTON-Desi-Care ou F10 pour garantir une alimentation hygiénique!

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Déclaration des ingrédients:

Levure de bière, amidon de riz, poudre de carotte, citrate de calcium, herbe d'orge, graines de lin, feuilles de papaye, Ascophyllum (poudre d'algue), chlorure de sodium, pissenlit, betterave, huile de colza, poudre de poireau, poudre d'asperge.

Constituants analytiques:

Cendres brutes 7,8 %, fibres brutes 7,6 %, protéines brutes 10,6 %, matières grasses brutes 2,5 %, calcium 1,9 %, sodium 2,0 %, phosphore 0,3 %


Additifs :

Sans sucre et arômes ajoutés, sans gluten ni lactose.

In contrast to the previous basic philosophy of NEKTON products, this completely new type of preparation does not involve the addition of nutritional additives such as vitamins, trace elements or amino acids. These are nutritional active ingredients or micro-nutrients that are fundamentally needed to maintain full bodily function. NEKTON-Natural plus follows a completely new and sensibly complementary concept. In addition to the natural content of nutrients and active ingredients, it primarily contains plant substances, which are known in science as "secondary plant substances" or "bioactive substances". These vital substances provide
positive effects in terms of general vitality and fitness, have digestive and utilization-supporting functions in the organism and thus also serve to protect it from negative external influences. The effects of bioactive substances have been very well studied in animals and humans. It is also scientifically possible to transfer study results from one animal species to another within the framework of biological considerations, as all animal cells (including those of humans) and many tissues and organ systems in the animal kingdom work completely identically.

NEKTON-Dog Natural plus improves digestion and supports the utilization of nutrients and active ingredients. The supplementary feed for dogs contributes to maintaining fitness and vitality, has a positive effect on the intestinal flora (intestinal microbiota) and helps to maintain desired bodily functions (physiological processes). NEKTON-Dog Natural plus is an animal wellness product and "functional feed" thanks to its varied composition with high levels of well-dosed, natural vital substances.

Brewer's yeast as a fine powder supplements the protein spectrum of the basic food with valuable amino acids. It also contains naturally concentrated B-complex vitamins and beneficial dietary fiber from the yeast cell walls.

Rice starch supports the regulation of the internal environment in the gastrointestinal tract and creates a more favorable pH value. This can counteract hyperacidity in the intestine. As an easily utilizable source of energy, rice starch can be 100 % absorbed in the intestines of dogs.

Calcium citrate is an organic calcium compound which, on the one hand, provides easily absorbable calcium to maintain bone and tooth substance and, on the other hand, provides the body with citrate as a quick source of energy.

Sodium chloride also supports the electrolyte balance.

Dandelion is characterized above all by its high content of fructan prebiotics (inulin), with inulin being the most important substance. Inulin promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria and thus aids the dog's digestion.

The seaweed Ascophyllum provides valuable marine minerals, including the trace element iodine, as well as prebiotic "fiber" from the cell walls, in particular the so-called. ß-glucans. They also feed the "beneficial" intestinal bacteria. An intact intestinal flora is also a prerequisite for a well-functioning immune system.

Asparagus is characterized by a high natural content of the desirable fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), which also influence the sensitive intestinal flora and therefore belong to the group of prebiotics.

In NEKTON-Dog Natural plus, beet serves as a natural source of micronutrients and trace elements such as iron, vitamin B, folic acid and potassium. The red coloration of beet is caused by betaine. Betaine is a vitamin-like reddish pigment that is said to protect the heart, blood vessels and liver and prevent dementia. The same applies to leek with regard to its high-quality FOS and the addition of effective essential oils, fragrances and flavorings. Together with the asparagus aromas, they stimulate the digestive juices.

With their carotenoids (lycopene, lutein and ß-carotene), carrots and barley grass are true cell protection free radical scavengers and natural antioxidants. In addition, ß-carotene as provitamin A and lutein are important for eye function. Papaya contains the digestive enzyme papain, especially in green areas, which provides additional support in the digestion of meat and protein-rich foods. This also directly facilitates your dog's digestion. A well-functioning digestive system contributes greatly to your dog's well-being.

Compared to other oils, rapeseed oil contains a very high proportion of the important unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, α-linolenic acid and linoleic acid, from which the dog's body can synthesize all the important fatty acids. The various target organs and cellular action systems for fatty acids are now also well known and popular, although skin and hair/fur are in the foreground. The high-quality vegetable oil is also rich in vitamin E and provitamin A, which serve as antioxidants for cell protection.

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Délai de livraison2-5 jours ouvrables (lundi-vendredi) différent à l'étranger
Espèces animalesChien

Déclaration des ingrédients:

Levure de bière, amidon de riz, poudre de carotte, citrate de calcium, herbe d'orge, graines de lin, feuilles de papaye, Ascophyllum (poudre d'algue), chlorure de sodium, pissenlit, betterave, huile de colza, poudre de poireau, poudre d'asperge.

Constituants analytiques:

Cendres brutes 7,8 %, fibres brutes 7,6 %, protéines brutes 10,6 %, matières grasses brutes 2,5 %, calcium 1,9 %, sodium 2,0 %, phosphore 0,3 %


Additifs :

Sans sucre et arômes ajoutés, sans gluten ni lactose.

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